Thursday, October 8, 2009


Lately, I've been racking up miles running. In the last three weeks, I've run about 35 miles, a little more than 10 miles a week. I normally run about 3-4 miles, and three or four times a week. I think. This was completely an estimate based on a 9-10 min/mile pace. I didn't really know for sure how far or at what pace I' was running, and I was also been doing stairs and ramps along the way.

So today I finally got the Google maps pedometer to work. It wasn't working for the longest time, but I finally figured it out. On top of my total, I ran about 6 miles tonight in about 55:00 minutes, so about a 9:00min/mile pace. Correct! Man it was really hard getting out of the house, but I'm glad I did. Endorphins really do make you happy! Haha!

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