Work has been really busy, especially at the end of the month, with the monthly tests, report cards, and book reports. But I love love love the kindergartners; they are sooo cute!
One of the little girls is moving to Canada!
Super Junior's Sorry Sorry is so incredibly popular in Korea right now. Anytime someone says "Sorry" someone is bound to sing this. First, check out Super Junior's music video here. And now watch the Thomas (left) and Jay (right) do their version of the dance. They started to get shy near the end, but aren't they just too adorable?!
As part of my Korean experience, of course I had to go to another Epik High concert. Yuri and I went to their concert last night and man, they are better than ever! Such talented musicians and they're soo good live! It was a lot more crowded this time, probably with this performance being their only one in Korea as part of their Map the Soul World Tour. They were unbelievable, mind-blowing, awesome, I could go on and on... Their guests were also very talented - Nero One, MYK (honorary 4th member of Epik High), and my personal favorite, Beatbox DG. He was hot! MYK could rap, sing, and play the guitar; it was cute when he couldn't really speak Korean that well and had to ask DJ Tukutz so see if he was saying the correct word. Cute!
Check them out at!!
This time around in Korea, although I've been more busy, I've also been more homesick. I miss my family and friends so much. The time difference and my new work schedule doesn't really help. I work 9am to 7 pm, so in America, that would be 5pm to 3am. I don't really get to talk to anyone online much. I feel like I've lost touch with so many people; everyone's busy with their own things. So fill me in and keep me updated!
Ahh! So I bought a new phone (pink Ice Cream 1) only to lose it three days later! Only in Korea, only in Korea! I'm really disappointed that whoever found it would just keep it and not return it. I found a phone on the bus last time and gave it to the bus driver right away. Heck, last time Yuri and I found a wallet and turned it in without even opening it. C'mon, people!
"L-O-V-E you, I was made to be with you..."
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