Anyways, what have I been up to... Went to Namiseom last Saturday with some friends (honestly, it wasn't that fun). I'll put up some pictures soon, when I get a chance. On Sunday, saw some cherry blossoms in Bucheon and then played some volleyball. Oh! When everyone saw me, the first thing they said was that I gained weight! And to try to make things better, one of the guys says, "Oh, no no, you look more healthy." Uhmm yeah...... In other words, I look round and plump. Hahaha! But I know it's true, I don't fit more than half my clothes that I left in Korea!
So on top of balancing work and a social life, I have to add losing weight!! More specifically, to lose the blubber that I put on in the last six months. It didn't help that the months before I first came to Korea I was part of running groups (and even ran a half!); and when I got to Korea I just wasn't as active anymore (but still continued to eat the same amount, if not, more!!). Or maybe it was not having a job or money and it being below zero the last two months I was in Korea that really helped me pack on the pounds. As someone had so nicely put it: I was getting ready for winter hibernation. -_- Then being back in the States for those three months, eating everything I could, and having about 5 meals a day! I don't regret it one bit though, that Kobe beef my dad made once a week, mmm, to die for.... I'm hungry now.
Unfortunately, I'm on a diet now. A C-food diet, you know the one where you see food and you have to eat it. Yeah, we all know I'm not going to be able to stop eating, so... I have to be more active to burn all those calories I'm taking in. So to remedy this, my friend Yuri and I found a dance academy in Bundang and might start taking dance classes three days a week. Great way to kill two birds with one stone, eh? Work on my dance moves (even though, we all know all the dance classes in the world can't help my dancing - after witnessing my performance at Babee's wedding) and start fitting into my old clothes. I don't want to be super skinny anorexic-like the Korean girls, I just really don't want to have to buy new clothes!!!!
Bored yet?! Haha, anyways, here are some pictures of my neighborhood, the school, and some things I've been talking about.
So that's the area near my school. For the picture below, I'm standing at a big intersection near my school looking in the direction of my house. In the distance, there are some smokestacks; I live right before those. It looks far, but it's not too bad; it's about a ten minute walk to work.
Still at the same intersection, looking away from my home towards the subway station. Can't see it too well, but there's the subway station. The little pathway leads to it. This is the pathway I was talking about. I runs behind my place and I heard it goes all the way into Seoul, I might have to try that out one day.
I took this picture while waiting for the bus to Bucheon. It's hard to see, but one of those buildings is my home. It's not the apartment building in the distance, but it's the 3-4 story high ones right on the main road. That bus stop is where I get dropped off coming back from Bucheon.
Will post more pictures soon... later! ^^;;